To provide inter-club basketball competition for both male and female members of clubs, within the Adelaide region, as may be affiliated with the Association, in accordance with the restrictions set forth within the constitution.
Encourage the spirit of comradeship and high ideals in teamwork through basketball.
Assist churches in the maintenance of the interest and involvement in the wider activities of churches by their young members.
Promote community interest and involvement in Church Basketball and in basketball generally.

The South Australian Church Basketball Association (historical emblem pictured) was established in 1950. Originally founded as S. A. Baptist Men's Basketball Association to provide a Saturday afternoon basketball competition for churches in the metropolitan areas. Many of these clubs use the competition as an outreach program to provide members of the community with an opportunity to be part of a sports program.
Although the competition began on outdoor tennis courts transformed into basketball courts, with only a limited number of teams, the games were played with great spirit, sportsmanship and enthusiasm. This encouraged others within the nominated churches, Christian based schools/colleges and the general community to play and the S. A. Church Basketball Association quickly grew as the clubs nominated more teams.
As basketball became more popular, indoor venues were established, and with government policy allowing, it meant these venues could be hired for our Saturday afternoon competition.
Church Basketball has been a recruitment area for the State Association and district clubs. Many who began their basketball career with Church Basketball went on to play district, state, Olympic level and many played with distinction in the National Championships.
From small beginnings, Church Basketball has grown to become a major force within the basketball community. Matches are played on Saturday afternoon between the hours of 1:00pm - 6:00pm at various locations through-out the metropolitan area. Provision is made for boys and girls of all age grades, ranging from Under 8's, 10's, 12's, 14's, 16's through to Senior Men's and Women's grades.
History is a foundation on which we can build a successful future.
Church Basketball members and its' players have continually and keenly supported the venture of basketball for the youth of S.A. and in doing so have given us the opportunity to continue to provide to all generations at all skill levels the opportunity to play one of the greatest sports in the world.
The great game of Basketball!